Wednesday, 12 November 2014



Dingles they are represented as plain people who dress in a specific way that makes them look less well off. Flat caps are worn by the men to show that they are farmers.

Lisa messy hair and old cloths represent the people and their ages.


The higher classes are then represented by the house that the people live in and the clothes that they ware. It also shows a difference in the speech. It shows the different style of homes and how they are different from the farmers.

The farmers are in the lower class the women shopping in the middle class and the man who owns the house in the upper class.

Megan and Jays outfits change from the Dingles the clothes that they ware show that they own their own businesses ware clothes that make them look from a higher class.


Alicia is shows as a younger person who then differ from the other people. They have shopping bags shows a stereo type.

Noah and Jake young boys ‘have you nicked anything yet’ shows they have a specific stereotype that makes them look bad.

Katy not a stereotype blonde she is not dumb she knows that something is going to go wrong.

Jay Asian stereotype that he is a hard working Asian businessman.

Aaron young aggressive stereotype of two young men.

Aaron opposite stereotype f him being gay he is aggressive and not like the ‘normal’ gay.

Megan wedding business pink office with many feminine things on the walls and feminine furniture and other things.

Gabby young moody child. Not quite a teenager who is acting in a specific way.
Katy stereotypes farmers wives as people who make quilts.
Alicia typical mum who is angry when her child does something wrong.
Belle has come out of prison and has changed and has become much more aggressive.
The accent used by the farmers differ from those who are business owners it shows that they are effectively from different classes.
Main representation of these peole is that they are uncultured have very poor understanding of things. Many of them are aggressive and have been in and out of proison. They have a very clerar distinction between all the classes that makes the whole village contarct with each other.

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