Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ethnicity using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Primeval season 2 episode 3

This episode consists of Connor developing a new anomaly detector that is set up in the Arc (Anomaly Research Centre) but certain members of their team have suspicions about it when there is another attack at Blue Sky Park. Further investigations take the team to the park and make them realize that the attacks had taken place before the detector had been turned on. The team then goes on to discover that there is a sabre-toothed tiger is in the park. The all begin to have suspicion that someone knows of the tiger and is trying to cover up its existence.

Within this TV drama gender is presented in contrasting ways to the ‘usual’ portrayal of men and women. This is shown through the way that the characters are dressed and also how they portray themselves verbally and physically. This is done through the individuals stances and angles used to represent them. They are presented verbally through the phrases and words they use but also through their accents.

In the first few seconds of the episode you are presented with two contrasting views of women. This is shown when there are two women running away from something which shows the stereotype that these women are ‘damsels in distresses. This shows the basic stereotype of women. Then contrasting this the women are then shown in camo clothes which are not the usual clothing that you would expect to see women in. then the first man that you see comes across as your usual man. Arrogant this shows the viewer that this individual is not there to help these two women who were running but is actually attacking them with the paint ball gun. This show a contrast in the average man this is because it shows him not being protective and caring which is hopefully what you would expect form a man in what seems a dangerous situation.

It then goes on to show a much more stereotypical woman who is in a colourful ‘pretty’ top who has her hair and makeup done with large brown hooped earrings. This displays the stereotypical woman as this is what’s expected of women in general. This individual is shown in a different way to others as she speaks in a ‘delicate’ way the represents he in a much more feminine way. This is important because this shows her personality and the way she presents herself as an individual. This is then contrasted when they show the other girl Abbey in the background of the shot she does not represent your average female this is because she has short boyish blond hair and is dressed in a leather jacket with jeans on lent against a car. This does not correspond with the ‘normal’ portrayal of women as she presents herself in a much more manly way. This is through the word as phrases she uses it is also displayed when she is shouting at the other man to hurry up. This also shows that she is not as timid or shy individual so she comes across as a strong woman.

The second man shown in the extract is Connor. He is not represented in your stereotypical way this is because he is shown in a much more feminine way even more so than Abbey. This is shown in his speech and his stature. This is because he sounds feminine in the way that he speaks and the way that he holds himself when he is standing. This is because he does not have a solid well-built stature that is the ‘normal’ stature for your average male. He is also represented in a feminine way because of the clothes that he wares. This is because he is mainly seen in scarf, blazers and pink and purple colours. This displays that he tends to wear much more extravagant clothes this could help to represent his personality and the way that he acts. Colours like ink and purple are mainly linked to women as this is the usual colour that they would wear. Nick is the next man in the shot is a contrast to Connor. This is because he is shows as a stereotypical male this is because he is shown with stubble and in dark camo coloured clothes. These colours have been associated with males because they are darker and specifically with Nick as this matches with his darker and much more closed off personality. He is shown as a much more manly man this is because he is seen leading the group it shows that this man has brawn and brains. This does not link to the typical male stereotype as it is mainly seen that men either have brawn or brains and this man shows that he is the exception to this stereotype.

Overall not many people in this show are portrayed in stereotypical ways. This is because some of the women are shown in manly ways and some of the men are shown in feminine ways. This is good because this enables the viewer to see that the different people in this show are being portrayed in a different way. By changing the ways in which stereotypical males and females are presented Tim Haines and Adrian Hodges are able to create a TV show that appeals to more people and enables them to appeal to a wider audience. This also allows the show to have a different approach to the average TV show because this allows a much more open approach to gender and the roles that are expected of men and women. Haines and Hodges are able to come across as a much more versatile and modern show as there are no specific roles that are aimed at men or women and how the show represents equality between them.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


- Women seem powerful and confident.
- Tracking shots used to represent movement.
- Male characters are shown to be stupid and slow.
- Questioning between man and woman she seem confident and he seems dopy.
- Wide shot used to show people and all of the screens in the room allows the view to develop an idea of what the facility is about.
- Fast paced moving shot used to show the fast movement between the two people.
- Double over the shoulder shot used to show two people overlooking one person.
- Important person people look as if they are relying on him.
- Sound of key board and sound of computer turning on.
- Not dressed in a suit shows that he is much more relaxed.
- Wide angled shot shows him and the computers around him.
- Shot reverse shot shows people speaking and then the other peoples reactions.
- Camera focuses on object and its movement to show its importance and how useful it is.
- Music changes to a much more dramatic tone to show the severity of the situation that is going to happen.
- Wide long range shots used to show the people on roller coasters and shows the theme park that it is going to be set in.
- Low angle shots used to show his authority and how important he is and how his decisions effect other people.
- Roller coasters used to show the adrenalin of the situation.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014



Shot reverse shot

Is where one character is shown looking at another. It the shows the other character looking back at them. Both characters are facing opposite directions so the audience assumes that are looking at each other.

Slow motion shots

Is where an effect is used to represent time going slowly and helps the audience to focus on the details in the shot.

Subliminal cut

Is where they show a fast one or two second shot that is usually used in advertising to show snippets of a TV show.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014



Dingles they are represented as plain people who dress in a specific way that makes them look less well off. Flat caps are worn by the men to show that they are farmers.

Lisa messy hair and old cloths represent the people and their ages.


The higher classes are then represented by the house that the people live in and the clothes that they ware. It also shows a difference in the speech. It shows the different style of homes and how they are different from the farmers.

The farmers are in the lower class the women shopping in the middle class and the man who owns the house in the upper class.

Megan and Jays outfits change from the Dingles the clothes that they ware show that they own their own businesses ware clothes that make them look from a higher class.


Alicia is shows as a younger person who then differ from the other people. They have shopping bags shows a stereo type.

Noah and Jake young boys ‘have you nicked anything yet’ shows they have a specific stereotype that makes them look bad.

Katy not a stereotype blonde she is not dumb she knows that something is going to go wrong.

Jay Asian stereotype that he is a hard working Asian businessman.

Aaron young aggressive stereotype of two young men.

Aaron opposite stereotype f him being gay he is aggressive and not like the ‘normal’ gay.

Megan wedding business pink office with many feminine things on the walls and feminine furniture and other things.

Gabby young moody child. Not quite a teenager who is acting in a specific way.
Katy stereotypes farmers wives as people who make quilts.
Alicia typical mum who is angry when her child does something wrong.
Belle has come out of prison and has changed and has become much more aggressive.
The accent used by the farmers differ from those who are business owners it shows that they are effectively from different classes.
Main representation of these peole is that they are uncultured have very poor understanding of things. Many of them are aggressive and have been in and out of proison. They have a very clerar distinction between all the classes that makes the whole village contarct with each other.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Camera angles are important within TV and films this is because they help to represent the genre of the TV drama and how the shots can also link to how the drama is seen and how it is presented. An example of this would the The Walking Dead's 5th season and their new episode 1 sanctuary. The shots in this TV drama series help to represent how fast paced and action based this show actually is.
This shot helps to represent how the show is mainly based upon an action genre. this is important because this helps the viewer to see the show from one of the characters perspectives and also makes the viewer more involved and helps them to view the show in the best possible way with the best possible shots and angles.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


To make the character seem small and powerless: use high angle shots to make them look insufficient

To make the audience feel they are part of the action: use canted shots to make the atmosphere seem more intense.

To show a characters body language: use a wide shot to show the full body and their stance in the scene.

To make the audience feel over-powered and oppressed: use low angle shots to make the object or person seem more in control and overpowering.

To show characters emotions: use close up shots of their face to show the expression and emotion

To show exact detail of an important object: close up or face paced shots of a specific object this makes the audience focus on the item.

To show the setting/environment: use wide angle shots this is because this allows there to be a shot that shows the whole scene and the surrounding area.

To show dialogue between two characters: use a third person shot is used or an over the shoulder shot to show two people taking to each other.

To place the character within the setting: use a second person shot this allows the main person to be seen in the room form a different and contrasting angle.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014



Damian Lewis Life (TV series) Sarah Shahi TV movies 1920x1080 HD
THE-WIRE hbo crime drama television police j wallpaper background


Low Shot
This shot is used to show either the authority of a person of the stature of a building.

HDR Cityscape Reflection Low-Angle Shot
Eye Level Shot
This shot is used because it allows there to be a one to one feel about something and allows people to feel at the same level.
High Shot
This shot is used because this allows there to be a distinction between the thing they are looking at or shows they are inferior.
Worms Eye Shot
This shot shows how the view from this angle because this displays a whole different view of the scene and image.
Canted Shot
This shot displays more of an action approach to it because this shot influences you to think that it is a fast paced shot.
Birds Eye View
This shot is used to represent a high view of something that also displays how small something can actually look from a height.


Downton Abbey is a British period drama series that was created by Julian Fellowes and was the co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece. It first aired on ITV in the UK and in Ireland on September 26th 2010 and it was then aired on PBS in America on January 9th 2011. Four series have been aired and the fifth series is going to air on the 21st of September 2014.

A normal episode of Downtown Abbey begins with the slow transition between distinctive images that show you that it is set in a different time and it is a period drama. The music matches the original setting as it is bold and soft which also prompts the assumption that it has been set in a certain period.

Dietetic music is used to show sounds that are not within the scene its self. The music at the beginning of these episodes begins soft and slow and then emphasises as it comes to the end of the opening credits. The main opening credits represent the time that it was set in. The images that are at the beginning in the opening credits they show the different situations and how the classes differ.  This is represented when it shows the servants bell ringing. This is the first image show this then shows us that the people who own the house are clearly of a higher class than the people that the bell is ringing for. It goes on to transitioning between the images by moving left to right which shows the different images as they come up on the screen. It goes on to show letters coming through which then allows the viewer to assume that it is set before phones and before people could send messages. Dietetic music is also used to represent other actions such as a loud and heavy drum is used to represent someone’s heart beat even though the action is within the scene

The colours used represent the difference between the servant’s quarters and the higher class’s quarters on the upper floors. The colours used when showing the servants shows more bland and dark colours and when it shows the higher class it shows how they possess more bright and classy furnishings.

The movement in the beginning credits show still shots with motion within them showing them moving and adjusting the setting of the table. The movement in these images are only small because this can also display the careful and precise attitude towards the setting of the table. This then shows us how important it is that everything is in line and how it needs to be exactly perfect.

The characters and the dialogue used in this TV drama can connect with the period that it is set in. This is shows in the speech used and the ascents. The speech used shows that it is set in the past where there was class distinction because it shows the servants talking to the people in the higher class in a certain way because they refer to them as sir and madam which tells us who is in the higher classes and who are the servants. The dialogue used in the drama represents the difference in attitudes and the way in which people conversed with each other this shows us how the people from this period showed respect to each other in the sentences used and how they refer to each other.

Extreme long shots are used to show a panoramic view of the whole building this helps to display the size and how the building also represents the people who live in it and how the people in the house have a grand status that is the reflected in the building and the way that the rooms are set out. Look shots are then used to represent the relationships between people within the house and the different relationships between people in the house. These relationships are shown between the servants and how there is still a structure to the classes. It also shows how even the classes differ within the servants. This is shown when the servants have different relationships and they are unable to show these because of how they are expected to behave towards each other.

The use of camera angles and shots are important within a television series like this because it helps to show the viewer the relationship between the people in the shots. There is a large use of high angle shots because this allows there to be a clear distinction between the people in the shots. This is mainly used when there are two people in a scene together and one of them is in a higher class from the other. This is because when a servant is show in one of the shots with one of the main Lady’s of the manor the angle used on the servant shows a high angle this then shows that they are beneath the person that they are talking to. It then goes on to use an upward angled shot this represents the fact that the individual in the shot is of a higher class and status of the other. It also represents how they have a certain type of authority over the servants. This represents how classes differed in these times.

Monday, 29 September 2014


VLS - Very long shot
This is used to show the subject in the picture and the scene around it.
LS - Long shot
This is used to allow the whole body to be shown in the shot with a little detail around it.
MLS - Medium long shot
This shows the main subject in the image and makes you focus on the subject its self.
MS - Medium shot
This shot is used to show the subject from the waist up this shows their body language.
MCU - Medium close up
This shot is used to focus on the subjects face which allows there to be a main focus in the image.
CU - Close up
This allows you to see the expression on the subjects face and their head down to their sholders.
BCU - Big close up
This shows the detail in the persons face and allows you to see a clear expression on it.
ECU - Extreme close up
This is used to show the main focus on an area of someone and enhances the detail in the shot even further.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

THE 100

The 100 is an American post apocalyptic television drmam that was premiered on The CW during 2013 and 2014. the series is based upon the book of the same name and the its first in the series by Kass Morgfan and was then developed by Jason Rothenberg. the show was then premiered on March 19th 2014. Earth has been abandoned for 97 years will the ark keep its 2,400 passengers alive or will The 100 save them?

Sunday, 21 September 2014


Damian Lewis Life (TV series) Sarah Shahi TV movies 1920x1080 HD

Life is an American crime dram created by Rand Ravich. It had aired for two seasons on NBC. it was produced by Universal Media Studios under the supervision of executive producers Ravich, Far Shariat, David Semel and Daniel Sackheim. David Semel directed the first pilot episode. it consists of Charlie Crews played by Damian Lewis a detective just released from prison on September 26th 2007 on NBC and was shown on Wednesdays. On May 4th 2009 NBC announced the cancellation of the show.


Band of Brothers is a ten part 11 hour long television World War 2 drama. it was originally produced and broadcast in 2001. it was based upon historians Stephen E.Ambrose's 1992 book of the same title. the exclusive producers were Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks who has collaborated on the 1998 World War 2 film Saving Private Ryan. The episode first aired in 2001 on HBO. They still run now on different TV networks around the world.


24 is an American television drams series produced by Fox Network. It was created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran. The series has a counter terrorism unit (CTU) agent Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland. Each episode covers 24 hours in the life of Bauer it uses real time method of narration. it was shown from November 6th 2001 until May 24th 2010 it consisted of 192 episodes in a total of eight seasons. An additional television film was made called 24: Redemption it was broadcast between season six and seven.


House is an American television drama that originally ran on Fox for eight seasons from November 16th 2004 until May 21st 2012. the shows main character Dr. Gregory House played by Hugh Laurie is a pain killer dependent medical genius who leads a team of diagnosticians at the Princeton - Plainsboro teaching hospital. the exclusive producer included David Shore, Paul Attanasio, Katie Jacobs and film director Bryan Singer. It was mainly filmed in Century City.


The Mentalist is an American Police drama that was show on September 23rd 2008. It was aired on CBS. The show was created by Bruno Heller who is also the exclusive producer. The show follows a former 'psychic' Patrick Jane Played by Simon Baker who is a consultant to the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI). he uses his highly developed skills he has acquired to 'read' peoples minds.


Prison Break is a TV drama made by Paul Scheuring. It was originally broadcast on Fox for four seasons from 2005 until 2209. the series includes two brothers one of which has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and the other creates a plan to help his brother escape from prison. it was produced by Adelstine - Parouse Productions in association with Original Television and 20th Century Fox.


Dexter is an American drama series. the series focuses on Dexter Morgan played by Michael C. Hall a crime investigator working for Miami Metro Police Department who leads a secret life as a serial killer. he hunts down criminals that have slipped through the justice system. Set in Miami the first season came from the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter (2004) this was written by Jeff Lindsay. it was adapted to a TV series by James Mans Jr. He wrote the first episode inderpendantly


Sherlock is a British Television crime drama. This is a modern adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes detective stories. The modern TV series starts Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock homes and martin freeman as Doctor John Watson. There have been nine episodes and the first three were shown in 2010 and series two was shown in 2012 and finally the third series was shown in 2014. The third series has achieved the most watched TV drama series since 2001. It is set and filmed in Cardiff.


Game of Thrones is an American fantasy series created for HBO by D.B.Weiss and David Benioff. Its an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels. The episodes are mainly written by Benioff and Weiss who are the exclusive producers. Filmed in Belfast studio and in other locations in northern Ireland, Malta, Scotland, Croatia, the United States, Spain and Morocco. It had originally premiered on HBO in the USA on April 17 2011.


Glue is a British television drama show primarily on E4. It was created and written by Jack Thorne. It began on the 15th September 2014 and contains eight episodes. It is set in the English countryside. The first episode begins with a 14 year old boy Cal Bray played by Tommy Lawrence Knights found dead and the effects are shown on his friends and older brother Eli played by Callum Turner.


THE-WIRE hbo crime drama television police j wallpaper background

The Wire is an American crime drama series that is set and produced around Baltimore, Maryland. Created and written by author David Simon it has been broadcast by HBO in the United States. It was premiered on June 2nd 2002 and ended on March 9th 2008 it included 60 episode over five seasons.